• Lara Acosta
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  • behind the scenes of building a $1M+ business in 2025

behind the scenes of building a $1M+ business in 2025

I started 2025 with one main mantra. “All gas no breaks”.

But that meant that I had to take a massive break from multiple platforms to focus on the one thing I needed to nail down first (product and offer).

Which meant I:
Posted 2 YouTube videos.
Sent 2 emails (sorry)
Have 100 unread whatsapps and emails

Sometimes we have to slow down before we speed up.

And that starts today. And since I’m your favorite niche linkedin microinfluencer…

Please keep reading it will boost my ego and I’ll come back with the intense weekly break-downs, because honestly, I have so much to share.

Over the last 2 months, I’ve been working on the business.
And since I’ve been away, I wanted to update you.

What’s new:

Hired 2 new team members. A COO and an assistant.
Built the next 3 products for the Literally Academy ecosystem.
Mastered content creation for LinkedIn leveraging AI and my brain.
Built insane network connections while away in Dubai in Jan.
Hosted my first-ever in-person meetup on 2 hours of sleep

When you first start building, all you want is one thing. Money.

Hard work equates to more money as that is the only thing we can trade for it.

And over the last 2 years that is exactly what I’ve been doing. Hard fucking work.

Being busy became the biggest status symbol I could have.
A packed calendar became my ultimate flex.
Having no team made me feel cool.

Sky high profit margins. No problems beyond the ones I created.

But there comes a point in every entrepreneur’s journey where we have to learn the unteachable lessons.

The ones we are warned about but pretend we are immune to ourselves.

I had a fair share of mine in December and January and again this month.

The biggest wake up call? burning out.

Let’s not make it a big deal please but I ran out of gas.
But it wasn’t because I was working too hard.

I just wasn’t working smart enough. There was no objective set.

My actions felt pointless, people around me were draining me and honestly I just wasn’t clear on what the next thing was.

And that for an entrepreneur is a breaking point.

Had read about it, had seen podcasts about it, even my dad warned me about it.

But I was still in that 20 year old lara mindset thinking hard work = more success.

Nop. Building a team, a system and recognizing my blind spots is what truly gets you there.

And here my friends, the importance of blocking out the noise comes in.

Sometimes you have to break everything to build it back up.

And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing.

My journey to $1M as a creator.

Literally academy is set to hit that metric over the next few months.

Here’s how we’re doubling down to make it happen.

Phase 1: Launch the first iteration of the course. Literally personal branding.

Phase 2: Launched high ticket coaching and sold out all 6 spots.

Phase 3: Collected data, iterating on the product/community and finding the knowledge gaps people are still aiming to fill. More writing, emails, lead magnets, offers, scaling and even video.

Phase 4: Launching new 2-5 more products into the ecosystem.

Goal to hit for the rest of Q1:

Social media content momentum.

Attention is key but qualified traffic is what is needed.

But my way is different, slower and honestly better for me.

I dislike selling on social media. Not for me, never has been.

So the path for me is to build a following that knows, likes and trusts me.

To increase that I’ve:

1. Increased my content from 3-4 posts a week to 6-7 on LinkedIn.
2. Shifted my positioning ever so slightly to more entrepreneurial content.
^ I will be doing this more over time to shift out completely from just the LinkedIn bubble as it is the next logical step for me as a creator who’s done a few things now.

To keep going we’ll:

1. Pump out the volume on other platforms like newsletter + youtube 

2. Launching content code my new Linkedin writing course in March.

3. Scaling ads. We’ve been testing ADs on Facebook and Instagram over the last few months and launching content code might be the unlock as it’s a low ticket product.
This has been interesting as someone who built 2 businesses organically.

Currently a hate-to-hate relationship but mostly because I don’t understand them well.
And they cost money I could be using to like buy more courses lol.


A quote has been playing on my mind since last week after I locked myself in a room for 12hrs in the British countryside for a much-needed time out.

Play infinite games with infinite people.

Business is the biggest game you never ever win. You simply level up.

But to do that easily you need the right people around you.

Find them.

They will be the biggest cheat code to your business growth.

Trust me when I say this as a recovering hyper-independent woman.
Just because you can do it all by yourself doesn’t mean you should.


Anyways ladies and gentlemen that is it for today.

I want to add a small new section to email on things i’m interested in and podcasts I’m listening to so here’s some gems for you.

3 books I’m reading

Maybe we’re never satisfied because we keep on raising the bar for ourselves every single day. Find gratitude in the small daily wins but keep pushing for the bigger ones.

Oh and also the fact that I tried to predict the failure of LinkedIn video but then my video last week got like 2M views so i guess I need to get my crystal ball checked.

Love you!