• Lara Acosta
  • Posts
  • Genius level internet writing strategy breakdown

Genius level internet writing strategy breakdown

You’ve optimized your profile.
You’ve engaged with every top entrepreneur and creator
You’re posting every single day on LinkedIn or even Twitter.

3 days a week, same time everyday, 30 comments a day.

But nothing is working.

Well grab a pen and paper or open up your Notion or Notes App (or all three I don’t discriminate)

Because I’m going to tell you the exact 3 methods you need to take to go from basic to genius in your strategy.

The last method will blow your mind.

I’ve learned this after analysing every single social media platform for nearly a decade now and understanding the 3 things that make a profile grow.

You’re unlikely to find these methods anywhere else for free, because most people don’t even consider these things.

Method 1: Testing

During my very short stint dropshipping, I learned about Facebook Ads.

And how to get a winning product, you needed to A/B test.

To do it with your content you need:

  1. One core idea: “B2B Marketing Strategies that 10x your revenue”

  2. 4 different formats: Listicle, carousel, story and infographic

  3. 8-week period for testing.

Then, do it for every day you post.

Every piece of content you “test” even though it’s the same content, when you present it differently visually and or verbally your audience won’t notice.

And this is what we mean by “you don’t need to re-invent the wheel”

All of a sudden 4 single topics become 8 weeks worth of content.

By the end of the test, you’ll understand what format resonates the most with your audience and also what you’re good at.

For some it’s infographics, others text only. But no one can tell you this - you need to try it out!

Turn your Linkedin into a Lab!!

This week’s sponsor: Kieran Drew
Do you want to build a business writing?

My Forbes featured friend, Kieran Drew built a $500k/year business.
All because he learned one skill: copywriting.

And he wants to teach you exactly how he did it while growing his audience to 240k too.

Sign up to his newsletter, and get a free ebook with a strategy I stole from him to write parts of this newsletter to make it persuasive and addictive.

Method 2: Write like a 5th-grader

It’s not about “dumbing” your content down. It’s about making it accessible to everyone.

The mistake people make:  

They write simply but also fall short in actual value.

Clear over clever is one phrase you’ll see often when talking about winning messaging.

But I prefer clear AND clever.

Clear sentences, simple context but clever delivery:

My tip to do this quick? Use lists. They turn simple phrases into action items.

Method 3: Structure

100% of people reading this newsletter have the knowledge to become a “thought leader” I am willing to bet on it.

(Love you)

The truth is, information is a commodity we can all

  1. Use ChatGPT to get cutting-edge knowledge

  2. Use other people’s content and ideas (pls don’t steal)

However, usually it turns out to look like this:

I’m 100% sure this person understood the need for storytelling in content and giving value in posts.

But why does it not look quite right?

Mistake #1: The hook failed to tell me the context.

“Book alert” isn’t enough. I want to know what book and why it is important for me to know about it.

As a rule of thumb, always think “WIIFM”: What’s In It For Me.

Mistake #2: There’s paragraphs, not sentences.

People are lazy, it is social media after all - we’re not using it at 100% brain power.

If something looks hard to read, most likely they won’t.

I rewrote it quickly so you can see what I mean:

See the difference? The piece of content b r e a t h e s.

You know where to look and what the goal of the post is.

Mistake #3: Hashtags

There’s no point on using them and it cheapens your post.

Please avoid it.

Rant over. Hahahah.

There’s a lot of noise out there. Video content, viral trends, infographics, being authentic, talking about burnout…

But realistically, all you have to do is understand how to be clear, create useful content and be specific about your content.

While leveraging the methods I outlined above.

The game is simple. It’s up to you to make it easy.

Build your writing business today!
Download Kieran’s 8-Step copywriting framework.

(This will make your content, emails, and ads much more persuasive)

Grab it now, and start building your online writing business empire.

That’s literally it kings and queens!

Here’s some pics of what I’ve been up to lately:

Rare sighting of me leaving my apartment and see real people 😲