• Lara Acosta
  • Posts
  • My LinkedIn Hack that Actually Increased Conversions (and impressions)

My LinkedIn Hack that Actually Increased Conversions (and impressions)

If you’re reading this right now, it means you’ve done one of these two things on LinkedIn:

  1. Posted and cringed dramatically

  2. Posted, cringed dramatically and got 0 leads either

And I know for a fact you’re tired of hearing the “post value” fluff-filled regurgitated advice you’ve seen multiple times on your timeline.

So, in this newsletter I’m not gonna tell you to post value, I’m not even going to tell you to post anything at all.

But I am going to show you the best framework you could actually use to not just grow your account, but also your business pipeline.

The Content to Conversions [CCs] Framework

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The biggest lie you’ve been sold about organic social is that you can print cash from the get go just by posting.

You can’t (yet).

The key to make this happen is building a personal brand that attracts people to buy without necessarily selling them.

This is the exact 5-step breakdown:

1. Find a Topic to Write About

The hardest part is starting, so think about 1 thing you want to write about.

Here are some ideas:

2. Use Taplio and Get 100s of Ideas [instantly]

Make a Taplio account [for free] and use their search feature to search ANY topic.

It will automatically scan LinkedIn content and show you content with that specific keyword in it! [I LOVE this]

3. Find one that you enjoyed reading the most! And recreate it.

I usually look at the hooks, structures and other words around the topic to put into my content.

Then write my own. I don’t steal I just get inspired.

4. Use Your Post as a Funnel

See, when a post performs well it’s not just because “the AlgoRiThM fAvOrItEd It”

It’s because there is something in the post that resonated with your audience.

A lot.

And they might like you too.

The likelihood of them buying from you increases without you even needing to sell on a post telling people you have “2 spots left…”

So when a post does well… you:

5. Once you identify this type of person, message them.

Intent level is HIGH when they either comment or view your profile.

So you need to be active when your post is live.

Don’t post and ghost. Please.

My biggest regret while building my personal brand and posting on LinkedIn was not being active enough in my dms.

You can make money off posting on social media, you just need to start te conversation.

Try Taplio out for Free!

If you want to be cool like me, save time writing content and scheduling…

Join 7,000+ founders, marketers and professionals and try Taplio for free!

If you do sign up for a Taplio account using my Link let me know, I’ll send you a special mini gift 💖

That’s literally it kings and queens

Here’s some pics on my 3 day no tech holiday!

3 days. 1 cabin. 0 Tech

Excited to spend less time online and more time IRL.

Love, Lara