Your Cohort Questions Answered

Personal branding LIVE Q&A with Lara Acosta

Today at 7pm UK time I’ll be going live on LinkedIn ( or twitter, tbc) answering all of your questions live! The event will be up on all my socials.

  • How to build a personal brand

  • How to create content online

  • How to monetize

And the best part? I’ve been busy perfecting every single last bit of this cohort that I haven’t slept. At all.

While I’m in the zone, I’ll answer all your questions about the cohort.

What will I learn?

How to build an authentic personal brand, from beginner to advanced I’ll be teaching all the methods, lessons, frameworks and systems that got me from 0-86,000 followers in 15 months, a marketing agency and have led me to achieve every single goal I ever had.

The cohort is focused on Linkedin personal branding, however, there’s only one or two modules focusing on it. The rest is the unspoken secrets that NO ONE talks about. Psychology, persuasion, storytelling, sales, charisma… etc. THAT.

I’m teaching you how to find your IT factor, build a community, monetise attention and find your voice (alongside technical LinkedIn and writing hacks)

It’s also MASTERCLASS heavy, with confirmed masterclasses by Jasmin Alic, Luke Matthews, Matt Barker, Richard more + more.

What’s inside?

I don’t want to spoil all of it, but here’s a short list:

15+ Video Modules

Exclusive Community

LinkedIn Playbook

Live Coaching Calls

7+ Playbooks

Downloadable Slides + Materials

Fool-proof Content Creation System

Weekly AMA’s

Live Expert Masterclasses

Viral Post Video Breakdown

57+ Viral Post Swipe File

The Only Tech You’ll Need

7 Days of LinkedIn Templates

10 ChatGPT Content Creation Prompts

Who is this for?

I hate this question lol, everyone kept on asking me who I was building this for… and I couldn’t tell. Then one of my mentors told me “isn’t it obvious?” And I was like, “no” and he was like

“the person you’re building this is you 1-2 years ago”

Ahhhhhhhh, yes. Quite literally.

So, who was I a year ago?

  • No clue on how to build a personal brand

  • Was applying for jobs I didn’t even want

  • Lacked purpose and work that fulfilled me

  • Knew LinkedIn was the place to be but didn’t know what to do

  • Had a powerful vision for my “ideal self” and was determined to make it happen

So if that sounds like you, we’re in!

Personal branding? Isn’t it dead? Overrated?

Tell me, when someone leaves or enters a room, you think something right?

Maybe not too much, sometimes a lot, depending on who they are. Aha?

You have an idea of who the person is, what they’re like…

THAT’S a personal brand

  • Not a single instagram post

  • Not a piece of copy

  • Not a photo

It’s a reflection of who you are online and offline.

Your reputation, influence and authority.

Building one online can take you from being “no one” to being someone in a matter of months.

Why do I need to build my personal brand?

People do business with those whom they know, like, and trust.

Personal branding does that at scale.

It also:

  • Brings opportunities to you

  • You beat your competition

  • You become the ONLY option

  • Creates different streams of income

I’m new to personal branding and or LinkedIn, can I join?

Absolutely! We go through all the basics all the way to advanced methods throughout the 7 weeks!

There’s also implementation playbooks and a community +

Access to me for any questions!

How long is it?

7 weeks.

Including 7 main modules, 7 masterclasses and 7 playbooks

When does it start?

Cohort starts Sept 23 6pm BST. I’m keeping enrollment open until then

(Sept 23 5pm BST.)

Any other questions, please shoot me an email or DM I’ll be locked in all day.

Building this has been the ultimate pleasure, I truly have created a dream cohort/course and I can’t wait for you guys to check it out…

But just because I need someone to see it, here’s another sneak peek.

There’s over 10+ notion templates and frameworks included

Theres 7 main modules and 3 extra modules.

From LinkedIn Masterclasses to Monetisation secrets, we’re covering it all.


There are LIVE AMA’S every single week. Scheduled weekly at around 5pm BST.

So you get to ask me anything!


See you there. X
