• Lara Acosta
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  • The Next Big Trend of 2024 (I’m all in)

The Next Big Trend of 2024 (I’m all in)

Algorithm hacks, trending content styles, carousels, Twitter threads, video…

Every single month, there’s reports on “trending content”.

And yes, if you do get one early you’ll hit the jackpot. But it’s not the only way.

See, I’m an internet kid and with that came endless consumption of the internet.

And for years I’ve seen trends come and go, but more specifically.

People benefiting and profiting of them in every single niche.

From fitness to tech and AI to fashion and now B2B. I know whats up.

So to keep this short and sweet. The next big trend is you.

No not b2b saas, no not crypto , no not video. You.

If we analyse how things blow up, its a combination of 5 things

  1. Market Timing

  2. Accessibility (how simple are you making things)

  3. Storytelling

And like someone said “never miss a day, because somedays you get lucky and to get lucky everytime - you should never miss a day”.

I made a video mapping out exactly how the first 3 steps are going to help you win in 2024 and reveal the last 2 in it too.

But to explain them properly, I had to do it in video with examples.

Because as much as I love writing, you need to hear it from me.

Click below for a full 10 minute breakdown on how these 5 steps turned a simple trend into thousands for me.

If you want to read the breakdown, here it is:

The Next Big Trend Formula

Here's the exact growth formula I stole from crypto and other trends:

  1. Accessibility: Make complex information simple.

↳ Crypto meme coins made finance easy to understand

↳ Your content should do the same, avoid jargon always

  1. Storytelling: The easiest way to retain information

↳ We all "buy in" to a narrative. Make yours stick.

↳ Your brand should mirror the "ideal" result for a client

  1. Market timing: Understand market trends

↳ To get "rich" you need to buy low and sell high...

↳ Online, you need to identify trends before anyone too

For example: LinkedIn carousels blew up in 2023.

1. They were simple to understand

2. They took you on a journey from 0 to pro.

3. Creators were able to showcase their design skillset

4. Allowed many to like and resonate with their expertise

5. Those who used them early 23 blew up, quickly

And this repeats, everytime. Just like the markets.

All you need is to identify trends and leverage them

Trends may not make you rich, but its lessons 100% will. Marketing is easy when you get why people buy.

PS: Analysis like this is why I’ve become a good marketer without reading endless marketing and copywriting books.

I see what worked, I learned from peoples failures and implement accordingly.

Success leaves clues, follow them.

But never try to re-invent the wheel to early.

That’s literally it kings and queens!
