okay, okay, last chance for REAL

Leaving enrolment open until 12 PM PST TONIGHT.

Saturday. September 23. It happened.

My Personal Branding cohort has officially launched.

My mission on LinkedIn is officially a success!

Last year:

  • 0 LinkedIn followers

  • $0 revenue generated

  • 0 influence and social impact

As of today:

All of these faces (and some more) joined my cohort. To listen to my expertise. To win. Together with me! And I couldn’t be more proud.

Over the next 7 weeks, me and my new besties will be covering everything from LinkedIn basics to advanced content secrets, networking, psychology and every other step I took to be here.

PS: I'm extending enrollment until midnight 23/09. Join now or wait until January! Click here!

Here’s what people are saying ALREADY on day 1: