• Lara Acosta
  • Posts
  • If you’re stuck with content, read this

If you’re stuck with content, read this

What got you here won’t get you there

Over the last few months across social media something drastic changed.

And it wasn’t (just) the algorithm.

Everyone is quitting, complaining or simply leaving their platforms of choice.

  • YouTubers announcing they’re done.

  • Twitter creators saying they’re leaving X

  • Linkedin people hating the current platform right now

But why?

See, most of these creators, they’ve been doing the same thing for months and years.

This means that the strategies, tips and hacks that used to work well before, don’t work anymore.

I’ve seen it many times, a specific person that comes to mind? Lara Acosta.

In the past and the reason I didn’t build a business during my first couple social media business ventures was this exact same issue.

I was busy doing “what worked,” not what I needed to do to keep it working.

Stop overcomplicating it

The Social Media Trap

At the start some people copy what works.

  • Looking at top creators and entrepreneurs

  • Repeating the templates and ideas

  • Talking about ourselves in a way others do

  • Looking up to successful entrepreneurs and creators

    And emulate, repeat, emulate and repeat

It works.

Other people do the complete opposite

  • ignore what works and do what they want

  • Ignore proven techniques and create their own

  • Share unique stories and build a core audience

  • Become a master of 1 in their own arena

And they repeat and repeat and repeat again,

It works too.

Until, it doesn’t.

Content not being pushed out.

Follower loss.

Momentum gone.

The result? People quit or at least complain.

[insert your platform] isn’t dead, but your strategy should be.

Twitter people say Twitter is dead.

Linkedin people say LinkedIn is dead.

YouTube people say YT is dead.

Multi-millionaires exiting Twitter to join LinkedIn.

People with 100k+ followers moving from LinkedIn to Twitter.

Copywriting Agencies moving to Only Fans agencies instead…

They move and use the same strategies they used to grow their other things.

It’s a trap.

What yout you here won’t get you there

Marshall Goldsmith

When things aren’t working, quit doing them. Do something else.

Templates will only get you so far.

Proven strategies by top creators will only get you so far.

Having discovery calls with all types of clients will only get you so far.

Doing hours of engaging online to increase followers will only get you so far.

Then you have to change and break the loop.

Growth Mindset

Last year, I got a big hypothetical slap in the face when I was on a coaching call with who I call my creative director (Jasmin Alic).

He asked me a simple question: “Why are you doing what everyone else is doing?”

“Because it works”, I said.

Then I realised that just because it worked and got me here, It wasn’t going to get me where I wanted to be.

I was running on borrowed time.

So, I pivoted and focused on what my core values were and who my audience is.

Students, entrepreneurs and founders that relate to my story.

My content became a merge of:

  • Educating those behind me.

  • Supporting and inspiring those at my level.

  • And giving value to those ahead of me.

I became aligned to me, not the algorithm.

So, I posted more personal stories and focused on authority-driven content.

Look, for a long time we all do what works.

But it won’t get us to where we want to be because it is no longer what we need.

I went from commenting and engaging 10hrs a day to 4.

I went from posting 5x a week to 3.

I went from working 12 hour days to now working on decreasing that.

But I must admit.

It’s hard to quit when you’re following a path you chose yourself 

MASSIVE PSA: For those trying to grow from 0 to 50k what I’m no longer doing is EXACTLY what you should be doing.

How to quit what works

(to do what works)

  1. List the 3 things you’re so good at now and that worked

  2. List the 3 things that worked but drain your energy

  3. List the 3 things that are making you $$$

  4. Then list everything else that isn’t

For me?

  1. Storytelling, short form fluff free education and community building

  2. Engaging for hours, saying yes to all opportunities, scrolling the feed

  3. DMing clients, video content and consistent quality content

  4. Coffee chats, discovery calls, one-off consulting and hours of engaging, viral templates, borrowing authority… etc

Number 4 “Everything that isn’t” is LITERALLY what got me here.

But if I kept doing it, it wouldn’t get me anywhere else.

So, I broke the loop.

Because I’m in alignment with my goals, vision, and lifestyle.

This type of reflection requires humility as we often do what doesn’t work because we’re good at it. duh!

It’s time for you to stop being your biggest bottleneck.

Want to get to the next level?

a) Sit down and reflect on my 4 questions

b) Make a plan to stop doing what no longer serves you

And stick to it.

That’s literally it.

Cheers to quitting.

Let’s elevate.

Love, always

Lara 💖

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